Abdul Qayoom

    Chief Executive Officer

    • Engro Polymer & Chemicals Ltd.

    Mr. Abdul Qayoom is a seasoned business professional with over two decades of experience in technical, commercial, and business development domains. He began his career as a graduate trainee engineer at Engro Polymer and Chemicals in 2000. Rising through the ranks, he served in strategic roles, including Head of Technical, Operations, and Chief Commercial Officer.

    He has also served as Vice Chairman of the Pakistan Chemical Manufacturers Association (PCMA) and has been a member of the Asian Pacific Vinyl Network. He has a strong global and local network spanning across technology licensors, engineering houses, PVC manufacturers, capital providers, and regulators.

    Given his techno-commercial credentials in the petrochemical vertical, he was transferred to Engro Corp in 2019 to lead the feasibility study of a multi-billion-dollar, world-scale polypropylene facility in Pakistan. His precision in crafting a detailed business case and offering objective recommendations proved instrumental for Engro. As the VP of Special Projects, he explored several internationalization opportunities for Engro.

    Mr. Abdul Qayoom graduated from Dawood University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), completing his Bachelor's in Chemical Engineering. He also attended the High Potential Leadership Program at Harvard University in 2015.