President & CEOGhias Khan

Ghias Khan is the 4th President & CEO of Engro Corporation. Since he came on board at the end of 2016, Ghias has been instrumental in revamping Engro’s strategy, culture, and global outreach. Ghias, along with the Board of Directors, defined a powerful central narrative for Engro Corporation that has charted its path for years to come.

There have been several notable achievements for Engro under Ghias’ guidance so far. He has stewarded Engro’s renewed commitment in petrochemicals with several growth initiatives at Engro Polymer & Chemicals and other greenfield projects, consolidated the management of all energy assets under one platform – Engro Energy – with a long-term strategy of investing in the overall energy value chain, and paved the way for more cooperation with our long-time partner, Royal Vopak, through its entry into Engro Elengy, which continues to operate as the most utilized terminal in the world.

In addition, during his Presidency, Engro’s Thar Block II mine and power plant have continued to contribute 660 MW of consistent power to the national grid, benefitting around 7 million Pakistanis in the process. Ghias’ contribution to the robust turnaround of the Engro Eximp Agriproducts’ rice business helped win it its first-ever Top Exporter Award in 2018 and triggered an achievement of more than USD 20 million in exports in 2020 alone.

His leadership has helped position Engro Fertilizers as the premier seed-to-harvest solutions provider which, in 2020, achieved record urea production to play its part in food security for Pakistan while also undertaking several digitization initiatives that have established it as one of the largest e-sales companies in the country. Further, with a firm belief that connectivity is the conduit that enables social and financial inclusion, Ghias was involved in the launch of a new vertical at Engro: telecommunications infrastructure, under which Engro Enfrashare has already partnered with all major telcos and deployed over 2,200 telecom towers across Pakistan by the close of 2021.

Recognizing that Engro’s people are its greatest asset, Ghias has focused on the talent development front and was the force behind the Engro Leadership Academy – a platform to develop effective leaders. Further, Ghias has laid the foundation for a digital future through Engro’s OneSAP initiative, endorsed as Pakistan’s largest digital transformation project. He is also leading the transition to sustainability at Engro. Under his leadership, Engro has committed to adopt and implement stakeholder capitalism metrics, sponsored by World Economic Forum’s International Business Council, becoming the first organization from Pakistan to sign this commitment.

Under his guidance, Engro has also earned numerous awards, both locally and globally, for enabling a thriving business environment, investing in the development of its people, upholding high standards of corporate governance, and promoting diversity, health, safety, & environment in the workplace.

As the former CEO of Inbox Business Technologies, an enterprise technology company that he co-founded in 2001 and remained with till 2015, Ghias grew the employees to over 1,900 and pivoted the company from a computer manufacturer to a systems integrator, and then to a technology-enabled digital services company.

Currently, Ghias serves as Chairman on the Boards of Engro Fertilizers Limited, Engro Polymer & Chemicals Limited, Engro Enfrashare (Pvt) Limited, and Engro Energy Limited. He also serves on the Board of Trustees of Engro Foundation – the social investment arm of Engro Corporation. In 2022, Ghias was elected President of the Overseas Investors Chamber of Commerce & Industry (OICCI).

Ghias was part of the Hong Kong under 16 cricket team, has represented Pakistan in the junior bridge team, and, in 2015, won the amateur singles championship at Karachi Golf Club. He holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the Institute of Business Administration, Karachi.