
message from head of engro foundation

favad soomro

2021 proved to be yet another tough year for many of us. The year was challenging for operations due to Covid-related social constraints. The restrictions gradually eased giving some room for relaunching our program operations. The education process was badly affected. Repeated school closures created challenges for continuity of learning and engagement of students. Various measures were taken to fill the gaps, however, the fact remained that the process ran sub-optimally. Although, the uninterrupted operations from Q4 helped us recover some of the lost ground. Similarly, other projects that required in-person presence of beneficiaries were also delayed. Extra measures were taken to catch up on the agreed deliverables for the year with internal and external stakeholders. Pandemic, while it posed many challenges, it provided opportunity to do some high impact work as well. Under the Hussain Dawood Pledge, we were able to kickstart a longer-term rehabilitation program of skills development and livelihoods with our partner PPAF under their Ehsaas Amdan Program. Meanwhile, support to health facilities continued under variety of interventions.

2021 was also a year of major shift in thinking on environmental sustainability at Engro. Our businesses are now better aware of their footprint and its impact on climate change. Substantial effort was put into improving our impact, identifying key areas and structuring of monitoring mechanisms to establish baselines and take mitigating actions. Our landmark project of carbon offset through tree plantation and forest protection was conceived and approved during the year. Similarly, significant effort went into developing strategy for the Circular Plastics Program and developing conceptual design of a multi-pronged approach to addressing some of the key areas hindering a plastic waste-free future. The work done during the year will serve as the foundation to the long-term sustainability initiatives at Engro.


Aimed at providing better access to opportunities to the people of Pakistan, every year Engro contributes to the community through its investments in community projects and impactful ventures. The broad areas in which Engro invests are:

community investments
value chain projects
corporate impact venturing
iatc awards
advocacy support
environment & social stewardship support
Our Inclusive

Business Strategy

Engro’s community outreach strategy has evolved to focus on creating shared value. We believe in creating an impact through what we deliver ensuring our investments are beneficial for the society as a whole in the long-run.

Value Creation

Engro considers itself a responsible and impactful business for economic well-being and societal uplift. This aim is supported by our inclusive business model for a positive impact on society. This model projects our complete value chain. We value and contribute to these objectives both directly and indirectly while maintaining our operations. This model is not just limited to community-based welfare, instead, it also focuses on individual welfare within the society. The model ensures that all the financial contributions from its subsidiaries and external donors are invested in key thematic areas which are Livelihood & Capacity Building, Environment, Education, Skill & Development, Health, Infrastructure, and Disaster Relief.

shared value creation

purpose impact benefit
corporate impact venturing shared value creation & innovation very high, strategic and sustainable
  • Alligned with business strategy - benefits the business and markets in short and long term
  • Strategic alignment with independence of operations
  • Innovation - Potential future business streams
inclusive business shared value creation high, strategic & sustainable
  • Incorporated in and aligned with business strategy
  • Benefits the business in short and long term
  • Promotes competitive advantage for the business
  • Develops human capital
community investments risk mitigation medium to high strategic & operational
  • Offers Social License to operate
  • Mitigates operational impact & external challanges
  • Supports external relationships
corporate philanthropy maintaining basic corporate reputation low strategic & operational
  • Short term benefis
  • Diluted impact
  • Corporate competencies not fully utilized, minimal business impact

hussain dawood

it is a fact that the people of Pakistan are resilient, and i pray that they face this crisis with caution and care by heeding to the invaluable advice of healthcare professionals and caring for themselves.

Under the PKR 1 billion Hussain Dawood Pledge, support was was committed to provide relief efforts for those affected by COVID-19 through various initiatives including:

disease prevention, including testing and diagnostics
protecting and enabling healthcare professionals and frontline workers
enabling patient care and facilities
bolstering livelihoods of the most vulnerable communities of society

Mr. Hussain Dawood and family along with Dawood Hercules Corporation and Engro Corporation are at the forefront to channel resilience towards the COVID-19 pandemic. Engro’s engagement teams have shown tremendous resolve to ensure the fastest possible deployment of this funding with the most dedicated partners. Since mid-2020 to date, over half a billion rupees have been contributed.

As part of the PKR 1 billion Hussain Dawood Pledge, Engro Foundation donated PKR 70 million for a livelihood project to Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF), the execution partner of the Ehsaas Amdan Program. Under this program, the deserving is given assets meant to enable their graduation out of poverty. The project aims to train over 2,500 farmers, male and female, in animal husbandry practices, establish 77 dairy microentrepreneurs and provide assets – pregnant cows and 3 month animal feed, to 85 extremely poor women beneficiaries.

investment footprint

our year in review

In the year 2021, our total community investments stood at approx. 780 million rupees as compared to approx. 555 million rupees in 2020. This attributes to a net increase of about 40 % from 2020. About 42.5 million rupees were contributed by external donors and fund-raising partners.

Most significant contributions remained with our ‘Education and Skill Development’ thematic area that amounted to 33% of our total contributions followed by 23 % contributions channeled towards ‘Livelihoods, Environment and Capacity Building’ and other thematic areas.

year in review investment

leading the way

i am the change impact award

The I AM THE CHANGE AWARD came back to its original form of rewarding and recognizing some high-impact work by traditional not-for-profit organizations and budding social enterprises. Since the pandemic had not shown signs of slowing down in the early part of the year, we continued with the theme of pandemic work and encouraged applicants to report their Covid response. As usual we got an overwhelming response in both the categories with almost 100 applications. The process required us to review the applications systematically and assess the impact of the tremendous work done by applicant organizations. This year again, the competition was intense, creating a challenge for our volunteer judges. Our top two winning organizations in both the categories, Charity Rights Pakistan and Wonder Tree, were finalized by the jury. Both organizations have been recognized for their immense contribution with an award of PKR 2 million each.

valuing our communities-key thematic areas

livelihoods and capacity building

In the year 2021, Engro Foundation responsibly stewarded the contributions of its external and internal donors and invested in the areas pertinent to livelihood, environment & capacity building. Our total monetary spend was 183.4 million rupees. This includes projects in Daharki and Ghotki, Sustainable fisheries program, Mangrove Plantation, FeedSol, Tech Karo, PAVE, WASH, and Enhancing Dairy skills through specialized training.


total investment
amounting to

183.4 million

thematic initiatives

key successful outcomes

  • Completed six technology training programs where tech and life skills were imparted to more than 250 young people, 65% of whom were women
  • 3,020 female farmers have been trained in basic and husbandry practices and more than 1000 male farmers have been sensitized to gender issues
  • SFEP conducted 13 training sessions targeting 221 fishermen a data collection software was developed and implemented to help fishermen analyze their work.
  • Provided training to farmers on modern, sustainable farming techniques resulting in 4,400 farmers switching to sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Engro Foundation has partnered with the Center for Agricultural and Bioscience International (CABI) and the University of Agriculture Faisalabad.
  • Twelve micro-enterprises were established in Daharki and Ghotki communities to protect people from the adverse effects of the pandemic while creating an economically sustainable environment for local communities.
  • Installed 5 water filtration plants operating in Karachi while 6 are being established – 3 in Karachi and 3 in Daharki.

Education & Skill Development

In the year 2021, Engro Foundation was committed to contributing to education in the communities. It is our standardized practice to adopt schools, through funding capacity, and infrastructure development, ensuring healthy enrollment in lower, middle, and high schools. We support around 8,745 students in education and skill development programs. Moreover, we also provided technical and vocational training to around 731 students in different geographical locations. We invested around 256.5 million rupees in Education & Skill Development’s key thematic areas.


total investment
amounting to

256.5 million

thematic initiatives

key successful outcomes

  • School Adoption Programs at Ghotki, Sukkur, and Sahiwal with 4,162 students enrolled.
  • Providing education and skill development programs to around 1,946, 507, and 2,130 students at the Katcha, Sahara, and TCF respectively.
  • Technical Training College enrolled a further 371 students and our Vocational Training Center trained 360 students under a project stewarded by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)
  • The STEP project trained 414 beneficiaries (out of which 175 were females) from the Tharparkar region in six trades. Along with this, multiple guest sessions, a mid-program conference for trainees, and business partnerships for On-Job training and potential employment were done as well
  • Tech Karo, a training program conducted with CIRCLE to teach coding and digital skills, trained 298 students, with the trainees primarily being women

Health & Infrastructure

In the year 2021, with the support of our partners and the commitment of Engro, we were able to invest about 108.5 million rupees in running health facilities and infrastructure development to facilitate basic and quality health services in our neighboring communities. In the year ending 2021, approximately 35,218 patients were provided with healthcare treatments. In addition, we have also established a free Dog-Bite / Rabies Center and Artificial Limbs Clinic in which 827 patients were treated.


total investment
amounting to

108.50 million

thematic initiatives

key successful outcomes

  • 9,684 patients at Ghotki, 20,000 in Gaghar Phatak, 566 patients at the Hearing Aid Camp in Daharki, district Ghotki, and 4,968 at the Engro Clinic in Sukkur were provided with healthcare treatments.
  • Our outreach programs in Daharki, district Ghotki included a Hepatitis Program which successfully administered 7,042 vaccinations and 780 treatments.
  • In the Snake-bite treatment project about 6,039 patients were treated free of cost.
  • Free Dog-bite/Rabies Centre treated 533 patients
  • Artificial Limbs Clinic treated 294 patients.