
At Engro we strive and deliver inclusivity on our social footprint throughout our value chain. It is not business as usual for us, from our humble beginning in 1991 as Engro Chemicals Pakistan Limited to our corporate transformation as Engro Corporation Limited in 2014. We have always maintained a close liaison with the societal elements that have an interaction with our businesses both directly and indirectly. Engro Foundation on its part has been at the forefront of these efforts. Our approach is simple, we take into account society's overall betterment in addition to mere profitability considerations. Our strategy has focused on social wellbeing of communities in the areas of our operations, our inclusive business model does not restrict itself to only community based social welfare programs, individual welfare within the society is also a key element to our overall value creation model. The model ensures financial contributions from Engro Corporations subsidiaries along with our external donations are invested by Engro Foundation in to our key thematic areas of livelihood, skills development, education, health, infrastructure and disaster relief. However, Engro Corporation does not restrict itself to value creation through foundation alone; our subsidiaries are fully independent to exercise social and economic welfare initiatives on their own whenever and wherever possible.

investment footprint

our year in review

In the year 2017, our total contributions spent through Engro Foundation stood at 402+ million rupees as compared to 283 million rupees in 2016. This attributes to a net gain of about 42% of monetary spend in our total community investments on part of Engro Foundation, about 269 million rupees were directly contributed by Engro Corporation and its associated subsidiaries. Our efforts to contribute additional capital injection in the community and value chain centric investment also made gains and we were able to raise and spend 132.5 million rupees in 2017 as compared to about 34.1 million rupees in 2016, an increase of nearly 290%. A major increase in indirect financing was due to unrelenting efforts by our team at Engro Foundation and confidence and trust reposed in us by our respected donors and implementation partners. Engro Foundation has established itself as one of the premier monitoring and evaluation partner, and this is reflected in the funds garnered and spent.

social capital

inclusive business model
and our value chains

Engro Corporation together with its subsidiaries is in constant perusal of maximizing the social impacts that result in creating better livelihoods with decent and responsible work practices. Our shift towards an inclusive business model is steadily on track. We have a firm belief that strong, dependable and sustainable value chains are part of our inclusive business model without which our overall commitment of shared value cannot be achieved. We are on course to accommodate underprivileged members of our society to emerge as potential business partners and become vendors, customers and employees in our business value chains.
In 2017 we continued with enhancement of our value chain towards inclusivity by identifying key hotspots in all sub process in the value chain to pave way for better economic opportunities and to maximize our social return on investment.

After our initial success in dairy value chains by our social interventions on “Women Empowerment through Livestock” program, running from 2011 to 2016, and “Strengthen Entrepreneurs and Dairy Stakeholders Networks” program, running during 2017, we are geared up in implementing the “Enhancing Dairy Skills through Specialized Training” initiative in our agricultural value chain. Our focus is to empower our dairy value chains by enhancing the skill sets of dairy farmers in increased milk productivity that in turn will generate higher incomes for small farmers. This initiative also envisions an advisory function for the provision of quality livestock and extension services to farmers & farm owners, with women farmers as our primary focus.
Our inclusive business opportunity assessment study in the year 2017 identified a major opportunity to enhance the access of high quality seeds to farmers. This has led to the initiation of yet another intervention ‘PAVE’ (Partnership and Value Expansion). This is a 2-year project aiming to make the seed value chain of rice, wheat and vegetables in Pakistan. We hope to target 4,000+ smallholder farmers by building their capacities and creating market linkages for them.

star interventions - an inclusive journey

valuing our communities - key thematic areas

livelihoods and capacity building

In the year 2017, Engro foundation through the generous help from its external and internal donors and hard work of its implementation partners continued to leverage its efforts in inclusive livelihoods and capacity development initiatives. Our total monetary spend exceeded 228 million rupees. This includes our ‘Livelihoods program’ in Dharki, SEaDS Net, ‘Farmer Connect’ and ‘Sustainable Fisheries and Livelihoods program’ as the most prominent. These interventions have already started to have a positive impact bringing betterment to the quality of life, social uplift, increased awareness and most importantly women empowerment.

valuing our communities - key thematic areas

education and skills development

Engro Corporation along with its subsidiaries continue to support education in respective communities that are part of our value chain. It is our practice to adopt schools, through funding, capacity and infrastructure development, ensuring healthy enrollment in lower, middle and high schools. During the last couple of years we have also started concentrating on trade based skills training interventions that result in increased incentives for finding decent work and employability within our value chains and beyond. In the year 2017, we invested more than 45.2 million Rupees in this thematic area. We have adopted more than 33 schools with a total enrollment of more than 5,500 student in 6 different geographical locations. We also managed to impart skills in 5 key trades to more than 330 young women and 73 students successfully graduated as associate engineers in chemical and mechanical disciplines from our technical training center (TCC) located in Daharki.

valuing our communities - This includes our ‘Livelihoods program’ in Dharkikey thematic areas

health and infrastructure

Together with our partners Engro has invested 22.5 million in running health facilities and infrastructure development to facilitate basic and quality health services in our value chain. This also includes a state of the art ‘Snake Bite Center’ and Hepatitis prevention program. We have also launched a mobile health care facility to accommodate patients at their doorsteps in Daharki, Qadirpur and Sukkur.

social capital

envision - engro volunteers
in service of the nation

EnVision (Engro Volunteers in Service of the Nation) is a platform providing opportunity for the Engro employees to make positive impact in the society through their competencies and skills. We fully support and encourage our employees to volunteer their work time for social causes. EnVision operates under the designated council which is further structured into seven chapters of Engro employees located in Sahiwal, Sukkur, Muridke, Dharki, Port Qasim, Karachi and Lahore. This platform also provides our employees with an opportunity of getting exposure to new environments and experiences, leading to innovation, creativity and leadership whilst fostering team building and cross-company collaboration.

In the year 2017, EnVision concept was decentralized from Engro Foundation to facilitate our subsidiaries to engage in EnVision initiative independently. Since this is a human capital lead initiative our strategy was to facilitate the respective subsidiaries setting the targets for its achievement. We have had a mixed response to this and EnVision hours achieved in 2017 stood at 3,730 as against 14,500 hours achieved in 2016 with Engro Fertilizer, Polymer & Chemicals and Engro Vopak being the major contributors. We intend to revisit our current strategy in 2018 to ensure we attain the same enthusiasm and vigor in the EnVision initiative as previous years.

Success Stories

social capital

future direction

Engro has always been forerunner in bringing new opportunities in its business environment and this has resulted in tremendous responsibility to act as a sustainable organization. It is engrained in Engro’s thought process that issues of national importance can only be dealt when businesses collaborate with their governments at all levels and create business impacts that create value for all the stakeholders. Our key programs and initiatives are its example; we strive to invest more in improving livelihoods, building sustainable infrastructure, improving health and capacity building. As a responsible contributor to Pakistan’s growing economy, we believe that frameworks such as the SDGs are a vital tool in aligning our business and corporate responsibility with best possible inclusive social engagements and interventions. Engro has recently completed an SDG strategy development paper, which consisted of surveying existing literature and SDG frameworks; developing the outlines of an Engro specific SGD framework; and an Engro SDG action plan. Based on the output of this report, we are developing a plan to see whether and how we implement its findings going forward.