//php include get_template_directory() . '/template-parts/meta-tags.php'; ?>
At Engro, we support our leadership culture through unique systems and policies which ensure open communication, foster an environment of employee and partner privacy, and guarantee the well-being and safety of our employees. Our core values form the basis of everything we do at Engro; from formal decision making to how we conduct our business to spot awards and recognition. At Engro we never forget what we stand for. Following are our core values:
the be the premier Pakistani enterprise with a global reach passionately pursuing value creation for all stakeholders.
Engro's leadership comprises some of the most enterprising leaders of the corporate world in Pakistan. These individuals are responsible for conceptualizing and articulating goals that bring our people together in pursuit of set objectives. They lead the company with a firm commitment to the values and spirit of Engro. In our journey to become a profitable, growth-oriented and sustainable company, our management structure has evolved to create a more transparent and accessible organization.
Our commitment to highest standards of integrity and transparency has shaped Engro's governance framework and processes, which are aligned to the industry's best practices. Every employee at Engro is a part of the governance system and is required to adhere to clearly laid out policies and procedures.