natural capital

voluntary environment parameter monitoring
regulatory environmental monitoring and reporting of parameters to environmental protection agency (EPA)
public disclosure of environmental parameters as required by GRI and UNGC frameworks
value creation through intergrated natural capital managment and reporting
exxon transforms to engro chemical pakistan limited
promulgation of the environmental protection act
hazardous substance rules enacted
engro chemical pakistan limited became the first company in pakistan to adopt the GRI framework for sustainability reporting
engro corp becomes the first conglomerate of pakistan to publish integrated report

key inputs

  • Approximately 511 million PKR investment in the year 2020 in our natural capital
  • Investment and monitoring of corporate and subsidiary wise environmental footprint and its benchmarking with global industrial averages and necessary adjustments are planned and executed as a matter of routine
  • Resource efficiency initiatives in materials, energy, water, and waste reduction throughout the subsidiaries
  • Investments in renewable technologies like solar panels, hydrogen venting project, optimization of diesel genset operation and other initiatives for efficiency and emissions reduction

key outputs

  • Engro Thar, SECMC, Vopak saves approx. 567 kWh, 6,102 MWh and 102,778 kWh of electricity by installing Solar Geysers and Panels
  • Engro Enfrashare has produced 151800 kWh of clean energy units by solarizing 446 telecom sites
  • Engro Polymer is now able to reduce their total energy consumption by 5% through the installation of Hydrogen Venting Project
  • SECMC saved 316.7 metric tons of diesel by optimizing their operations of Diesel Genset
  • EPTL, EPQL, EVTL offset approx.188 tons of CO2 by planting 8,800 trees
  • An estimated 27.5 million cubic meters of water meeting the regulatory specifications was safely disposed through our state-of-the-art water treatment facilities
  • An estimated 17,392,081 m3 of water has been reused/recycled by our subsidiaries
total energy consumption GJ 2020
total energy consumption GJ 2020
total energy consumption GJ 2020
147,118,473 total energy consumption
water consumption m3 2020
water consumption m3 2020
water consumption m3 2020
38,196,044 total water consumption
water disposed & recycled m3 2020
water disposed & recycled comparison m3
total waste tons 2020
breakup of waste generated tons 2020
total waste generated comarison tons
total waste generated tons 2020
3,315 waste generated
hazardous waste tons 2020
1,090 hazardous waste
non hazardous waste tons 2020
2,225 non hazardous waste
total GHG emissions tons 2020
total GHG emissions comparison tons
direct GHG emissions comparison tons
indirect GHG emissions comparison tons
total GHG emissions subsidiary wise tons 2020
7,579,171 ghg emissions
direct emissions subsidiary wise tons 2020
7,539,474 direct emissions
indirect emissions subsidiary wise tons 2020
36,697 indirect emissions
total NOx and SOx tons
NOx emissions tons 2020
2,961 nox emissions
SOx emissions tons 2020
5,065 sox emissions

“Unit of GHG in Tons is equated to Tons of CO2 Eq”